Grade 6

Offered By : Aniruddha Pimpalkhare

Validity in days : 365

Price :Rs. 365.0

Course description : This Grade 6 Covers Maths & Science topic more than 10. Each topics have more than 10 questions.

Sequence number : 33

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Topic list

Subtopic Name Timed Test Time Limit (in minutes)
Natural & Whole Numbers Yes 11
Play With Numbers Yes 23
More on Whole Numbers Yes 13
More on Integers Yes 16
Fractions Yes 15
Algebra Yes 11
Geometry - Basics Yes 19
Geometry - Triangle Yes 8
Geometry - Quadrilateral Yes 10
Geometry - Circle Yes 13

Subtopic Name Timed Test Time Limit (in minutes)
Sources of Food Yes 12
Components of Food Yes 26
Fibre to Fabric Yes 14
Sorting Materials Yes 21
Separation Process Yes 19
Changes Around Us1 Yes 15
Living and Non living Yes 11
Plants Yes 21
Body and Movements Yes 23
Measurement Yes 14
Electricity Yes 10
Our environment Yes 25
Food Yes 25
Nature of matter Yes 20
Separation of substances Yes 19
Changes around us2 Yes 19
Measurement & motion Yes 27
The world of living Yes 40
Structure of living organisms Yes 40
Structure of plants Yes 15
Functions of plants Yes 30
Work & energy Yes 15
Electric current Yes 13
Light and shadow Yes 39
Magnets Yes 31
Fabric from Fibre Yes 29